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Upon concluding our research, we recommend that CHIP administration pursue these options: 


1. Hire A Grant Writer.

      a. Delegate job tasks so as to have employees that can dedicate time towards finding and writing grant funding. 

      b. This is a position that will research, write, and submit proposals to institutions that provide grants.

      c. This position will also scour lists of grants and identify those which align with the organization's goals and objectives, while eliminating those that aren't a good match.


2. Marketing Towards Specific Age Groups.

     a. Promote business while also targeting different age groups like teenagers and adults.

     b. Deliberately market towards parents for kids. 

     c. Market towards the older generation adults with specific strategies. 

           i. Create more social media influence. 

           ii. Strengthen presence on all social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.  


3. Create Further Exposure Through Fundraising Events.  

     a. Host more events for benefactors to attend. 

           i. Target different audiences with different events: Adult only gala, Zoo trip for families.

           ii. Table at nearby college campuses. 

     b. Frequently check reviews and promote satisfied customers to post reviews. 

     c. Questionnaires at events can help gain feedback after big socials. 

          i. Allow and respond to reviews. 

          ii. Find ways to engage benefactors in their place of work. 

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