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W231 context

About W231: Professional Writing Skills


This class is offered at IUPUI to all students through the School of Liberal Arts. In the class, students reach out to a community client and discuss an issue the client is facing. This provides students with the scope for Writing Project II followed by 100 hours of exploration and analysis of the scope.


Details about W231: Skills and importance of professional writing skills

The skills learned from this class, such as you-attitude and positive psychology, are used every day in business writing. These skills, learned using real-life clients and situations, are presented to students in writing projects throughout the semester. The class consists of three writing projects:

  • Writing Project I, which is a solo project where the students get in contact with the community client to determine the scope of project

  • Writing Project II; this is a team project where students picked their favorite scopes and community clients to work with

  • Writing Project III is used as a resume building tool to students and will be completed after Writing Project II


More about Writing Project II

This recommendation report on this website is Writing Project II, and it consists of a team total of about 300 hours of research and analysis of the client’s challenge. Some community organizations W231 has worked with in the past for this project are: 

  • Indiana NBA Pacers

  • Eskenazi Hospital

  • Ronald McDonald House

  • Indiana State Museum

  • Back On My Feet 


Statistics of W231: Why this class is so important to students and the community

W231: Professional Writing Skills includes:

  • 44 sections (in which 25 are face-to-face and 19 are hybrid or online)

  • over 1,070 students enrolled

Each team is made up of 3-5 students that:

  • Partners with over 175 community clients every year

  • Creates and distributes a local study that contains at least 50 respondents

  • Invests about 200 volunteer hours for each client (100 hours on research and 100 hours on analysis and writing the report)

This means that for all 175 clients, over 35,000 volunteer hours are devoted and invested by the W231 students each year.

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